Stone cotton wool
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- BrandJavohir Grand Biznes
- Country of manufactureUzbekistan
- KindStone wool
Stone cotton wool — the warm sound insulation made mainly of fusion of izverzhenny rocks. Kind of mineral wool.
Use of stone cotton wool as a heater was widely adopted since the beginning of the 20th century in a look of the fact that this natural material (approximately for 95% consisting of a stone) is nonflammable and durable. Stone cotton wool gained the main distribution in quality of a heater for the protecting designs of buildings (facades, a roof). Thanks to the heat-insulating abilities material allows to prevent heatlosses through surfaces in a cold season and to keep a room cool during the warm period of year. Now stone cotton wool is widely applied to the following designs:
- Walls. In the ventilated front systems, facades with a thin or thick plaster layer, easy external frame designs three-layer brick walls, wall cans panels, metal a sandwich panels, panels of step-by-step assembly.
- Partitions. Indoors as sound insulation in partitions in office and premises.
- Floors. For warming of floors on logs or plates of overlapping, with a possibility of the device of couplers. For sound insulation in designs of a "floating" floor.
- Roofs (cattle, flat). Laying of a heater on flat roofs on reinforced concrete plates or the pro-thinned-out flooring with a further waterproofing bituminous materials or PVC membranes is possible.
- Fire protection of the steel bearing columns and beams, transit air ducts, can of overlappings, pipe and cable drivings
Isolation of the equipment and pipelines. Thanks to incombustibility and high temperature of melting of fibers stone cotton wool it is possible to isolate surfaces with a temperature up to +700 ºС.
For isolation of curvilinear surfaces cylinders, segments or mats can be used (to big radiuses).
Mineral wool (basalt thermal insulation or basalt heater) is the most demanded heat-insulating material in in the territory of the CIS and Europe today. On initial structure of raw materials mineral wool can be divided into slag wool, glass cotton wool and stone cotton wool. The name speaks for itself – fibers of stone cotton wool make of fusion of rocks of basalt group, and by means of synthetic binding form heat-insulating plates. Stone cotton wool, is absolutely safe product – according to classification of MAIR/IARC, it is carried to group 3 "it cannot be referred to category of carcinogens", but as well as any construction material demands use of SIZ at installation. Key characteristics of stone cotton wool:
- incombustibility: fibers of stone cotton wool have melting temperature over 1000 °C that allows to use it not only as thermal insulation, but also as the effective fire protection interfering spread of fire to thermal damage of designs.
- vapor permeability: stone cotton wool, without being a parobaryer, in a design promotes a moisture conclusion, that promoting maintenance of an optimum microclimate in rooms.
- bioproofness: stone cotton wool is not attractive habitat for rodents and microorganisms.
- stability of the geometrical sizes: depending on a scope, stone cotton wool can have as ability to compressibility with the subsequent restoration of the initial sizes, and high durability on compression allowing it to apply it in the systems experiencing strain.
The high heat-insulating ability of stone cotton wool is reached due to existence of emptiness, emptiness between fibers. The chaotic arrangement of fibers and distance between them allocates stone cotton wool (basalt thermal insulation) with the soundproofing properties - a sound wave, being reflected from fibers, quickly enough loses the force and fades regardless of frequency.
The basalt heater is applied to thermal insulation practically of all designs, and is also used as fire protection. It is used as thermal insulation: walls, roofs, overlappings, coverings, partitions, etc. Considering strict requirements of standards of fire safety of buildings and constructions, stone cotton wool, often, is the only possible decision at the choice of thermal insulation of designs. Basalt thermal insulation is widely applied in low construction, thanks to its unique combination of the warm soundproofing properties.