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Reviews about the company Lechebnayakosmetika Uzbekistan

Comments about the company Lechebnayakosmetika

of positive feedback from the 37
59% of responses during the day
65% of transactions executed in time
65% of actual goods description
Add a review
all (37)positive (23)negative (14)
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Prompt response: Within one hour
Was the order is executed in time: Yes
Corresponding of goods/services description: Yes
Равиль Якубов
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Prompt response: Not contacted
Was the order is executed in time: I can not appreciate
Corresponding of goods/services description: I can not appreciate
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
После оформления заказа не произошло ничего
Prompt response: Not contacted
Was the order is executed in time: No
Corresponding of goods/services description: I can not appreciate
Very bad
Исматов Камолиддин
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Никто не связался и ничего не сообщили.
Prompt response: Not contacted
Was the order is executed in time: No
Corresponding of goods/services description: I can not appreciate
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Нашла нужный товар, оригинал. И довольна продавцом, он сделал скидку
Prompt response: Within one hour
Was the order is executed in time: Yes
Corresponding of goods/services description: Yes
Very bad
Бурханова Жанна
Заказ был проведён на один вид товара,а привезли совершенно другой.В итоге зря потраченное время ожидания.
Prompt response: Within one hour
Was the order is executed in time: No
Corresponding of goods/services description: No
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Prompt response: Within one hour
Was the order is executed in time: Yes
Corresponding of goods/services description: Yes
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Prompt response: Within one hour
Was the order is executed in time: Yes
Corresponding of goods/services description: Yes
Фарход Кодиров
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Prompt response: During the day
Was the order is executed in time: Yes
Corresponding of goods/services description: Yes
Very bad
Максим Дудкевич
Заказ был оформлен с получением самовывозом. По указанному адресу компании нет. По телефону продавец ответил один раз, не дав разъяснений по поводу возможности встречи и больше на звонки не отвечал. На следующий день на письмо с просьбой доставить товар с указанием адреса доставки и просьбой написать время приезда не ответил.
Prompt response: Within one hour
Was the order is executed in time: No
Corresponding of goods/services description: No
Ярослава Житня
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Заказ принят, но я до сих пор его не получила
Prompt response: Within one hour
Was the order is executed in time: No
Corresponding of goods/services description: I can not appreciate
Усманов Адыл
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Мне никто не звонил, есть ли товар вообще
Prompt response: Not contacted
Was the order is executed in time: No
Corresponding of goods/services description: No
Very bad
махкамова надежда
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Отвратительно,жаль что дурачат,зачем размещать товар???
Prompt response: Not contacted
Was the order is executed in time: I can not appreciate
Corresponding of goods/services description: I can not appreciate
Very bad
махкамова надежда
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Вообще не связались,зачем только выставляете товар???
Prompt response: Not contacted
Was the order is executed in time: No
Corresponding of goods/services description: I can not appreciate
Allbizconfirms appeals
Allbiz confirms a receiver's contacting via resource
Prompt response: Within one hour
Was the order is executed in time: Yes
Corresponding of goods/services description: Yes
ClearSelected items: 0