Resins and thixotropics for the manufacture of forms and rods Turkey
Found: 3 products
Resins and thixotropics for the manufacture of forms and rods from Özmak Makine
In stock
Ozmak Makine,San. ve Tic.Ltd.Sti.
Turkey, İzmir
Resins and thixotropics for the manufacture of forms and rods from Krea Makina Mühendislik Yazılım Sanayi Ticaret
In stock
Krea Makina Muhendislik Yazılım Sanayi Ticaret,Ltd. Sti.
Turkey, İzmir
Resins and thixotropics for the manufacture of forms and rods from Çukurova Kimya Endüstrisi
In stock
Cukurova Kimya Endustrisi,A.S.
Turkey, Manisa