The broom is oak bathing
- 0.56 EUR/pcs - from 50 pcs
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- In detail
- ManufacturerЧП Шпитко А.С.
- Country of manufactureUkraine
- Type of sauna broomOak
ph. 0674978471. Oak brooms for a sauna, baths.
Brooms for a sauna bath are one of the first attributes necessary for a campaign in a sauna. The main requirements to this product are:
- usefulness of impact on a human body, owing to special, medicinal properties of leaves of branches of the used tree and environmental friendliness of the area of preparation of material;
- durability which depends that correctness of process of production of storage and directly influences the number of times of use;
- convenience of use, depends that forms, proportions, solutions of execution of the handle holder.
We use branches of the Oak, the Birch, the Linden which we cut off in the environmentally friendly, not dusty regions of the Carpathians. The correct period of time of collecting of branches is the first factor of durability of an oak, birch broom for a sauna, a bath. Not observance of this requirement leads to fast fall of leaves, their fragility.
Further process of selection selection of branches and formation of the broom follows. On own experience of use, according to reviews, to recommendations of buyers created own splendors standard of a broom which we offer by default. But, at the request of wholesale clients, possible different options of filling which attract changes of sale price. When binding, the sufficient effort that at shrinkage of the basis of branches, the last did not fall out has to be put and hardly kept together. For binding and formation of the handle we use a twine as it strong, does not slide at in knots, nice on the touch. The handle is formed by continuous winding of a twine on palm width. Except a practicality, such decision gives more esthetic look to a product.
To store Bath brooms, saunas it is necessary in the dark, dry, poorly aired room. In such conditions they as much as possible keep the properties (a smell, color, elasticity).