The firm is engaged in realization "The firefighter's axe zone 1 kg" at the price 322.5 UAH. The goods are offered to those firms for which production of the section "Safety and Protection" is necessary for commercial and personal need. You ca
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The firm is engaged in realization "The firefighter's axe zone 1 kg" at the price 322.5 UAH. The goods are offered to those firms for which production of the section "Safety and Protection" is necessary for commercial and personal need.
You can also find in the categories "Special Equipment Fire-prevention" and "Equipment for Fire Extinguishing" to which the goods "The firefighter's axe zone 1 kg" belong other products useful to your type of occupations. Look on our portal, and you will be able to find everything that it is necessary for you!
Except the city of Kiev, the category "Tool Fire" is presented also in other regions of Ukraine, such as: Odessa region, Kirovohrad region, Dnipropetrovsk region, Zaporizhia region, Kharkiv region.