Tape noriyny BKNL-65 125*3 In stockReconfirm the price with sellerContact supplierPayment:Cash,Invoice payment,Visa/MastercardIn detailShipping:Customer pickup,CourierIn detailAdd to selectedCompareSellerFOP BovaUkraine, Orekhov(View map) +380 Display phones Products of other enterprisesConveyer beltsThe tape is noriynyDescriptionThe tape of noriyny 125 mm BKNL-65 - is made for use in vertical transportation of grain, sand, maslosemyan and other bulk solids. Contact the sellerTape noriyny BKNL-65 125*3 Full namePhoneE-mailCaptcha (4 characters)I agree with privacy policies, regarding confidential data and user agreementMessageShipping methodPayment method