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Reviews about the company S.C. Internet Shop, S.R.L. Romania

Comments about the company S.C. Internet Shop, S.R.L.

of positive feedback from the 1
100% of responses during the day
0% of transactions executed in time
0% of actual goods description
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all (1)positive (0)negative (1)
Very bad
Cea mai proasta companie posibila, din toate punctele de vedere! Nu as recomanda, nici daca ar fi ultima companie de la care s-ar putea comanda! Trimit produse defecte, vanzatorul nici nu se oboseste sa raspunda solicitarilor clientilor!
Profesionalism= 0
Promptitudine= 0
Seriozitate= 0 ...

si lista e lunga!

Raspunsul e NU, evitati aceasta companie!
Prompt response: Within one hour
Was the order is executed in time: No
Corresponding of goods/services description: No
ClearSelected items: 0