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Gilbert of type glue for EMEX buy in Jilava
Buy Gilbert of type glue for EMEX
Gilbert of type glue for EMEX

Gilbert of type glue for EMEX

Code: emex104
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87.3 RON
Romania, Jilava
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Technical characteristics
  • BrandEmex
  • Country of manufactureRomania
  • PackagingVial
Gilbert of type glue for stroitelstvayemekh, it is a product of that, plasticized on the basis of polymers, extenderi and additive to improve adhesive properties and Weather of rezistentelor glues for a ceramic tile, and also some products, such as: var, Khoum, mortars, etc. the Product has very high commitment of support and the great force of penetration. In case of raising of moisture or other forms even old average to be used, surely use Sanitizantul Forte of EMEX in advance.

Main functions:

- Very high adhesion to the basis;
- Reduction of time of drying;
- Inclusion and is easy for realization;
- Improves a fork;
- Increases adhesion of liantilor;
- It can be used as binding for repair;
- Increase in applicability of the main products;
- It can be used as soil for mineral materials;
- Ecologically friendly character.


Gilbert of type glue for EMEX is used as a filler in glues, plasters, construction solutions on the basis of cement. He also uses for improvement of products as the Washing Lyme, Khoum, etc., or dilution, correctly, even before putting primer of paint as in the dishwasher, or for gleturilor.
This type of glue is compatible to the following types of mineral basic surfaces: concrete, a laying, plaster, Plaster it is cement limy and limy plaster of the fat-free coat new or old the mineral conglomerates knitting on the basis of plaster, gypsum cardboard, absorbing, painting of the nature old organic or mineral, dry, absorbent and compact.
It is also possible to use successfully on other surfaces, such as OSB, MDF, chipboard, plywood, Timber, canvas, cardboard, expanded polystyrene, fibrous cement.
Glue for EMEX though the first to use improved glues, plasters and chiturilor cimentice, because of it very well can be also used for pasting of various elements used in construction (for example, panels, EPS, etc.).
If glue is used for gluing, he will give support to preparation before application; the surface has to be smooth, flat, dry, stability. To be considered as concrete walls which contain additives, such as silicates, polyvinyl alcohol, the sky, etc. can negatively affect sticking of a product.

Specifications: http://www.emex.ro/Doc/Adeziv-Tip-Aracet-Constructii.pdf

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Gilbert of type glue for EMEX
Gilbert of type glue for EMEX
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