Rad_opriymach ZORO-1R-433
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- Country of manufactureUkraine
Rad_opriymach vikoristovu¾tsya in systems signal_zats і ї neobkh_dno organ_zuvat of one Abo a dek_lka of bezprov_dny zones. P_dklyucha¾tsya to be-yakogo pozhezhno-okhoronny to a prilad zam_st a prov_dny loop. Kr_m of that, a mozhliva to the avtonoyena vikoristannya for keruvannya vikonavchy annexes in pobutov_y avtomatits_ that in systems reasonable a budinka. Mozhe quarrystone analog of MCR-304.
ZORO stattya
Bazov vikonannya, frequency is 433 MHz, zhivlennya AC/DC 7 … 32 V (spozhivannya at 12 V to 50 ma). Rub the mode the robot of the vikh_dny relay: _mpulsniya, _nvertuyuchiya, switching. Seredn_y rad_us the robot in prim_shchenn_ 30 m, it is maximum v_dstan to 200 m to P_dtrim є rad_operedavach_ bagatyokh virobnik_v. Rozm_ri: 102kh54kh30mm.
Mozhe dodatkovo robit in rezhim_ a _nterfeysny priymach (analog of MCR-300/UART):
Us a rozroblena of a komp'yutern the program for testovy ts_ly:
PowerCode CodeSecure Analyse