Polypropylene packaging tapes AllBiz with delivery from China ← Back to category "Packaging tape"Found: 3 productsSelect regionCountry of the supplier1 is selected from 8All countriesTOP CountriesReset filtersRegionEuropeAsiaCountryChina3Ukraine22Kazakhstan2India2Romania2Moldova1Turkey1Bulgaria1Apply filterNothing found. Check the entered country name. 半自动打包带 In stock bei jing zheng qian fang bao zhuang she bei you gong si Delivery from China Compare PET打包带、捆扎带 In stock kun shan kai bao zhuang she bei you gong si Delivery from China Compare PET打包带 In stock shang hai qin bao zhuang ji xie you gong si Delivery from China Compare Didn't find required product?Suppliers will contact youFor last 30 days 297414 leads received the offers from the companies