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Technical characteristics
- Country of manufactureUkraine
GK-V-40 - a potassium humate water-soluble (TU U 20.2-13652508-011:2012) of own production - the latest regulator and a growth factor of plants with minerals in a helatny form which provides the guaranteed productivity growth (to 15%) all cultures and improvement of consumer quality of the grown-up agricultural product.
The humate of potassium is applied in agriculture as organomineralny microfertilizer for the purpose of increase of immunity, improvement morozo-and sukhostoykost of plants, removals of a stress as antidepressant after processing by pesticides.
The humate of GK-V-40 allows to increase efficiency of effect of other mineral fertilizers (a carbamide, saltpeter) with reduction of their expense on 20-30% without loss of productivity for a set of manifestation of synergetic effect.
Commodity concentration of a humate of GK-V-40 potassium - not less than 40%, packaging - capacities 1,0; 5,0 l or in the consumer's container.
Selling price of GK-V-40 makes 5,0 US dollars (40,00 UAH) / l, without the VAT (EXW, a warehouse of plant in pgt. Benefit). - Powder of a humate of potassium is packaged on 5 kg, the price of 69 UAH for kg with the VAT.
By science and long practice it is proved that preseeding processing of seeds humates of potassium accelerates emergence of shoots for 2-3 days, intensifies processes of synthesis of protein, DNA and RNA, increases intensity of cellular division. Finally - energy of a prorashchivaniye of seeds of all crops increases.
The average expense of humates of the GK-V-40 brand before crops of grain makes on 1 ton of seeds - 0,5 l of a commodity product which is previously parted in 10 l of water, we will apply together with standard protravitel. Financial expenses of application of a humate of potassium make 5-6 hryvnias on 1 hectare of a cultivated area, and the expected harvest gain - 3 - 6 c/hectare.
The humate of potassium is applied in agriculture as organomineralny microfertilizer for the purpose of increase of immunity, improvement morozo-and sukhostoykost of plants, removals of a stress as antidepressant after processing by pesticides.
The humate of GK-V-40 allows to increase efficiency of effect of other mineral fertilizers (a carbamide, saltpeter) with reduction of their expense on 20-30% without loss of productivity for a set of manifestation of synergetic effect.
Commodity concentration of a humate of GK-V-40 potassium - not less than 40%, packaging - capacities 1,0; 5,0 l or in the consumer's container.
Selling price of GK-V-40 makes 5,0 US dollars (40,00 UAH) / l, without the VAT (EXW, a warehouse of plant in pgt. Benefit). - Powder of a humate of potassium is packaged on 5 kg, the price of 69 UAH for kg with the VAT.
By science and long practice it is proved that preseeding processing of seeds humates of potassium accelerates emergence of shoots for 2-3 days, intensifies processes of synthesis of protein, DNA and RNA, increases intensity of cellular division. Finally - energy of a prorashchivaniye of seeds of all crops increases.
The average expense of humates of the GK-V-40 brand before crops of grain makes on 1 ton of seeds - 0,5 l of a commodity product which is previously parted in 10 l of water, we will apply together with standard protravitel. Financial expenses of application of a humate of potassium make 5-6 hryvnias on 1 hectare of a cultivated area, and the expected harvest gain - 3 - 6 c/hectare.
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Liquid fertilizers for vegetables. A potassium humate in liter packing. The packaged potassium humate. Liquid humate of potassium. Biofertilizer. Organo-mineralnoye fertilizer.