Заказ на Кукурузная крупа характеризуется большим содержанием витаминов - группы В, А, Е, РР, ценной диетической клетчатки и микроэлементов - железа и кремния. Кукурузная крупа способствует торможению
The company from:Ukraine
Created:27 Nov 2024 13:00
Phone:To open contacts for free and respond to the buyer, you need to register the company on Allbiz Sign Up
The request from the buyer:
Good day!
Dacsa Bunge Ukraine LLC invites you to consider our company as a partner. We are a processing plant in Ukraine, Vinnytsia region for processing corn into flour and grits.
Vinnytsia region borders Moldova, therefore, by purchasing products from our factory, you can minimize logistics costs.
We can pack our product on big-bags (1000-1100kg), bags 50kg, bags 25kg.
In case you are interested in our products please contact me by e-mail.
I`m also in touch on Viber/Telegram/WhatsApp (+38050 058 09 22).