Industrial electric engines AllBiz← Return to section choosingGroups of productsElectric motors965 productsMotors, electric, asynchronous, over 1 kW647 productsExplosion-proof electric motors552 productsHigh-voltage electric motors322 productsElectric motors of direct current279 productsAC electric motors244 productsElectric motors general-purpose236 productsElectric motors for cranes119 products Shpugs38 productsElectric motors quantized36 productsSpare parts for electric motors34 productsMicroelectric motors28 productsEngines, generators and transformers27 productsElectric motors explosion-proof three-phase asynchronous26 productsServomotors (brushless electric motors)15 productsSlot wedges 11 productsEngines, electric, generator9 productsHigh-voltage motors9 productsElectric motors for axial fans8 productsElectric motors with brake5 productsElectric motors sparkproof4 productsElectric motors with fan cooling3 productsWater-cooled motors3 productsEngines for electrical equipment3 productsElectric motors with power rate less than 1 kW1 products Are you a seller?Add your own products to Allbiz as well!Create a corporate website in 30 minutes for freeEntrust online business promotion to professionals