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در خواست پلاس- این یک سرویس ویژه برای فروشنده های ال بیز allbiz است که خواهان دریافت پیوسطه درخواست ها برای کالاهای خود می باشند. خریدار می تواند با قرار دادن در خواست خرید کالا فروشنده مورد نیاز کالای مد نظر با قیمت و تعداد مناسب را هر چه سریع تر پیدا کند

Enquiry in اوکراین

1 اکت 2024  19:00

  Manny ***

Order for Ginger

Atten: Sir/Madam, There is an order to supply these below for Domestic projects Use with the following Target Prices. If you can supply them with good quality, reply so that I will give you the full Supply Terms, quantities and specifications details. (1) Turmeric powder Target price $10.00 per 500 gram each (2) Red Chilli Powder-Target Price: $11:00+ per 500gm Each (3) Garlic...

1 اکت 2024  19:00

  Manny ***

Order for Dehydrated ginger powder

Atten: Sir/Madam, There is an order to supply these below for Domestic projects Use with the following Target Prices. If you can supply them with good quality, reply so that I will give you the full Supply Terms, quantities and specifications details. (1) Turmeric powder Target price $10.00 per 500 gram each (2) Red Chilli Powder-Target Price: $11:00+ per 500gm Each (3) Garlic...

1 اکت 2024  19:00

  Manny ***

Order for Ginger Powder

Atten: Sir/Madam, There is an order to supply these below for Domestic projects Use with the following Target Prices. If you can supply them with good quality, reply so that I will give you the full Supply Terms, quantities and specifications details. (1) Turmeric powder Target price $10.00 per 500 gram each (2) Red Chilli Powder-Target Price: $11:00+ per 500gm Each (3) Garlic...

1 اکت 2024  19:00

  Manny ***

Order for We are among the widely recognized dried ginger manufacturers in india.

Atten: Sir/Madam, There is an order to supply these below for Domestic projects Use with the following Target Prices. If you can supply them with good quality, reply so that I will give you the full Supply Terms, quantities and specifications details. (1) Turmeric powder Target price $10.00 per 500 gram each (2) Red Chilli Powder-Target Price: $11:00+ per 500gm Each (3) Garlic...

1 اکت 2024  19:00

  Manny ***

Order for Dry Ginger

Atten: Sir/Madam, There is an order to supply these below for Domestic projects Use with the following Target Prices. If you can supply them with good quality, reply so that I will give you the full Supply Terms, quantities and specifications details. (1) Turmeric powder Target price $10.00 per 500 gram each (2) Red Chilli Powder-Target Price: $11:00+ per 500gm Each (3) Garlic...

1 اکت 2024  19:00

  Manny ***

Order for Cyampogan Martni via sofia

Atten: Sir/Madam, There is an order to supply these below for Domestic projects Use with the following Target Prices. If you can supply them with good quality, reply so that I will give you the full Supply Terms, quantities and specifications details. (1) Turmeric powder Target price $10.00 per 500 gram each (2) Red Chilli Powder-Target Price: $11:00+ per 500gm Each (3) Garlic...

1 اکت 2024  19:00

  Manny ***

Order for Ginger Pieces Dry

Atten: Sir/Madam, There is an order to supply these below for Domestic projects Use with the following Target Prices. If you can supply them with good quality, reply so that I will give you the full Supply Terms, quantities and specifications details. (1) Turmeric powder Target price $10.00 per 500 gram each (2) Red Chilli Powder-Target Price: $11:00+ per 500gm Each (3) Garlic...

1 اکت 2024  19:00

  Manny ***

Order for Ginger Spices

Atten: Sir/Madam, There is an order to supply these below for Domestic projects Use with the following Target Prices. If you can supply them with good quality, reply so that I will give you the full Supply Terms, quantities and specifications details. (1) Turmeric powder Target price $10.00 per 500 gram each (2) Red Chilli Powder-Target Price: $11:00+ per 500gm Each (3) Garlic...

1 اکت 2024  19:00

  Manny ***

Order for Fresh Ginger

Atten: Sir/Madam, There is an order to supply these below for Domestic projects Use with the following Target Prices. If you can supply them with good quality, reply so that I will give you the full Supply Terms, quantities and specifications details. (1) Turmeric powder Target price $10.00 per 500 gram each (2) Red Chilli Powder-Target Price: $11:00+ per 500gm Each (3) Garlic...

1 اکت 2024  19:00

  Manny ***

Order for Ginger

Atten: Sir/Madam, There is an order to supply these below for Domestic projects Use with the following Target Prices. If you can supply them with good quality, reply so that I will give you the full Supply Terms, quantities and specifications details. (1) Turmeric powder Target price $10.00 per 500 gram each (2) Red Chilli Powder-Target Price: $11:00+ per 500gm Each (3) Garlic...

1 اکت 2024  19:00


Замовлення на Кільця з / б для оглядових колодязів КС 10.9

Доброго дня. Мені потрібні залізобетонні кільця для вигрібної ями. В переліку тільки для колодязів. Якщо є, напишіть будь ласка розміри та ціну

1 اکت 2024  18:00


Замовлення на Цефалотус

Доброго дня! Чи я в наявності цефалотус? Хочу замовити

1 اکت 2024  17:00


1 اکت 2024  15:00

  Manny ***

Order for Peeled garlic

Atten: Sir/Madam, There is an order to supply these below for Domestic projects Use with the following Target Prices. If you can supply them with good quality, reply so that I will give you the full Supply Terms, quantities and specifications details. (1) Turmeric powder Target price $10.00 per 500 gram each (2) Red Chilli Powder-Target Price: $11:00+ per 500gm Each (3) Garlic...

1 اکت 2024  15:00


Повідомлення стосовно Фільтр для води "Вита-люкс-дм", з дивертором (кріпиться на будь-який кран)

хочу придбати фільтр для води "Вита-люкс-дм", з дивертором (кріпиться на будь-який кран)

1 اکت 2024  15:00


Замовлення на Spa-Капсули, комплексна Альфа-капсула Alfa LED Oxy SPA

Добрий день! підкажіть, чи є в наявності капсула, якщо так, то яка актуальна вартість

1 اکت 2024  14:00

  Ірина ***

Заказ на Электроэнцефалограф 16/24 канальный 

Доброго дня. Чи можу я отримати інформацію з приводу електроенцефалографа Dx системи 16- канального. Дякую

1 اکت 2024  14:00


Замовлення на Торт 'Мулен Руж'

Доброго дня. Чи можлива відправка у львів ? Дуже хочу саме цей тортик

1 اکت 2024  14:00


1 اکت 2024  13:00


Замовлення на Барабани дробеметние моделей 42203, 42233, 42246, 42236 Амурлитмаш

Прошу надати КП на дробемет 42236 та 42246. ДП " СТАЛЬЗАВОД ТАС" головний інженер Коваль С.В.

1 اکت 2024  13:00


Замовлення на Cкульптура Божої Матері

Доброго дня.яка ціна Скульптури Пресвятої Богородиці Покрова

1 اکت 2024  12:00


Order for Carpets

Please send the latest designs & price m

1 اکت 2024  12:00

  Олена ***

1 اکت 2024  11:00


Заказ на ПРОИЗВОДИМ - Травы - ЭКСПОРТ!

Здраствуйте, инетересуэт ваш полный ассортимент продукции, пришлите каталог

نمایش دادن:243648

1در خواست هایی که برای شما جالب است را پیدا کنید


همه کالا ها مورد بررسی اولیه قرار می گیرند

2مراجعه کنید برای مشاهده مشخصات در خواست


برای این کار ضروری است  ورود و يا عضويت.

3اطلاعات تماس ها را باز کرده و با خریداران ارتباط بر قرار کنید


فروش موفقی داشته باشید!