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Egg incubatory May Day – Ptichij gorod,TOO |
Buy Egg incubatory May Day
Egg incubatory May Day

Egg incubatory May Day

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0.28 EUR
Kazakhstan, Almaty
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  • BrandПервомайские
  • Country of manufactureKazakhstan
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Egg incubatory May Day

May Day hens, this Meat – egg breed. The live mass of Roosters of May Day breed makes 3,2 – 3,5 kg, chicken on average weighs 2.5 kilograms. Chicken May Day takes down one year prior to 180 brown eggs weighing 56-58 g. This breed in itself is inactive and in vain does not spend energy. It is almost not influenced by stressful factors, it differs in quiet temper and gives more than 200 eggs a year. The Yaytsenoskost of rekordistka reached some 256-270 eggs a year. Selection of hens was conducted on precocity and a high yaytsenoskost.

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Egg incubatory May Day
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