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The released modifications of electroencephalographs provide carrying out EEG and VP of researches of various level of complexity. 8 - , 19 - or 21 - channel (with expansion to 64 digital assignments) encephalographs with printing and reoentsefalografichesky channels. Phono - photostimulation, electrostimulation and stimulation by a chess pattern for researches VP. The push - button panel of the patient for researches of cognitive VP (mMn, CNV, P300). A possibility of simultaneous monitoring and record EEG, REG, electrocardiogram (modification 08), and also other signals on printing channels (modification 10).
The interrelation of violations of electric activity of a brain and brain blood circulation authentically comes to light by means of a unique way of synchronous carrying out EEG and REG of researches (rheoencephalography).
• The squeezed pokardiotsiklovy representation of dynamics of indicators at synchronous registration of EEG, REG, electrocardiogram and other signals on printing channels in uniform temporary scale visually illustrates interrelation between various systems of an organism (Russian Federation patent 2252692) and allows:
to reveal various violations at provocative influences (functional tests);
to consider possible influence of a vascular factor at epilepsy;
it is effective to diagnose tserebrovaskulyarny violations at functional tests on hyperventilation;
to diagnose sinkopalny states.
Options of program and methodical providing for various applications: "basic", "optimum", "professional", "elite".
The electroencephalograph registrar computerized portable wearable daily registration of EEG in the telemetric and autonomous mode "Entsefalan - EEGR - 19/26" by the Physician of MTD, NPKF, Russia
Research EEG/VP for functional diagnostics.
The effective visual analysis and different types of quantitative methods of processing of EEG and VP for exact and full neurophysiological diagnostics.
Long multichannel monitoring of electric activity of a brain (EEG) with topographical mapping in reanimation and PITAS with synchronous visualization of trends of indicators of TsNS, VNS and kardiores - piratorny system in uniform temporary scale, monitoring of cerebral function.
EEG - videomonitoring.
Additional possibility of the long video monitoring synchronized with EEG.
Polisomnografichesky (PSG) of the research Elektroentsefalograf - registrar "Entsefalan - EEGR - 19/26" with the basic device - the independent block of the patient of ABP - 26 From 26 to 45 channels of data recording including from 20 to 32 Elektroentsefalograf - registrar EEG channels "Entsefalan - EEGR - 19/26" modification with the basic device - the independent block of the patient of ABP - 10 From 10 to 25 channels of data recording including from 2 to 9 EEG channels