The forward dump conic high - speed "OKC(M) - 2800 - 00" is intended for cleaning of highways with a hard coating from new - fallen snow in the patrol mode. Provides dropping snow from a roadbed on distance to 20 m without formation of a snow shaft on a roadside and effect of a pelting of the shoveled - away snow on a cabin due to conical shape with aerodynamic effect. The dump is established in front of the gidrofitsirovanny car on a special bumper and is the quick - detachable equipment. The floating operating mode of a dump provides tracking of a longitudinal profile of the road and high - quality cleaning. Technical characteristics: A working corner from cross situation - the 46th hail. Working pressure in a hydraulic cylinder - 5(50) - 20 (200) MPas (kgf/cm2) Working speed - no more than 60 km/h. Transport speed - no more than 60 km/h. Overall dimensions: length - 2730 mm. width - 3240 mm. height - 1215 mm. Weight: 1000 kg.