Projector and сeiling mounts 有现货请卖家确认价格写信送到卖家交货:快递细节添加到收藏栏比较销售员宁波西尼液晶支架制造有限公司中国, 宁波 (地图指示) +86( 显示电话 其他企业物品Aluminum projector ceiling mounts投影机固定吊架Multi-functional projector mount with extensionProjector mount VM-PR06M描述Product Description: Screen Size n/a Max Load 13.6 kg (30 lbs) Tilt Up 25° Tilt Down 25° Swivel 360° Profile 22.6 cm - 113.7 cm (8.9" - 44.8") Max Mounting Pattern n/a Features Height adjustable 联系卖家Projector and сeiling mounts 姓名电话E-mailCaptcha (4 characters)我同意机密数据和用户协议的隐私政策短信 我们建议看 幻灯机 录像放映机 放映机 投影器托架 运输方式