中国标准系列(QVR、QVR-105、QVVR) In stockReconfirm the price with sellerContact supplierShipping:CourierIn detailAdd to selectedCompareSellerkun shan huo feng huang xian lan you gong siChina, Kunshan(View map) +86( Display phones Products of other enterprises1kV Aerial Insulated Cable2 Core ABC Cable19 / 33kV XLPE / PVC Power Cable26 / 35KV XLPE / PVC Power Cable电话线氟塑料绝缘耐高温电缆Description 说明: 1、QVR、QVR-105、QVVR执行GB9238-88 2、QVR用70oC阻燃PVC料,车辆电器及仪表线路用;QVR-105用105oC阻燃PVC料,车辆高温区电器及仪表线路用;QVVR用70oC阻燃PVC料,车辆与挂车间电器线路用。 QVR、QVR-105结构参数 标称截面 mm2 导体结构根数 /mm 绝缘标称厚度 mm 平均外径上限 mm 20oC时导体电阻Ω/Km不大于 铜芯 镀锡铜芯 0.2 12/0.15 0.3 1.3 92.3 95.0 0.3 16/0.15 0.3 1.4 69.2 71.2 0.4 23/0.15 0.3 1.6 48.2 49.6 0.5 16/0.20 0.6 2.4 39.0 40.1 0.75 24/0.20 0.6 2.6 26.0 26.7 1.0 32/0.20 0.6 2.8 19.5 20.0 1.5 30/0.25 0.6 3.1 13.3 13.7 2.5 49/0.25 0.7 3.7 7.98 8.21 4 56/0.30 0.8 4.5 4.95 5.09 6 84/0.30 0.8 5.1 3.30 3.39 10 84/0.40 1.0 6.7 1.91 1.95 16 126/0.40 1.0 8.5 1.21 1.24 25 196/0.40 1.3 10.6 0.780 0.795 35 276/0.40 1.3 11.8 0.554 0.565 50 396/0.40 1.5 13.7 0.386 0.393 70 360/0.50 1.5 15.7 0.272 0.277 95 475/0.50 1.6 18.2 0.206 0.210 120 608/0.50 1.6 19.9 0.161 0.164 QVVR结构参数 根数X标称截面 mm2 导体结构根数 /mm 绝缘标称厚度 mm 护套标称厚度 mm 平均外径 mm 20oC时导体电阻Ω/Km不大于 下限 上限 铜芯 镀锡铜芯 1X2.5+6X1.5 49/0.25+30/0.25 0.6 0.5 1.5 11.0 13.5 7.98 13.3 8.21 13.7 2X0.5 16/0.20 0.5 1.0 4.8 5.0 39.0 40.1 3X0.5 16/0.20 0.5 1.0 6.5 6.7 39.0 40.1 Contact the seller中国标准系列(QVR、QVR-105、QVVR) Full namePhoneE-mailCaptcha (4 characters)I agree with privacy policies, regarding confidential data and user agreementMessage We recommend to see Wires and cables, insulated Shipping method