米饭碗 In stockReconfirm the price with sellerContact supplierShipping:CourierIn detailAdd to selectedCompareSellershen zhen shi bao sheng feng chu kou you gong siChina, Shenzhen(View map) +86( Display phones Products of other enterprises沙拉碗Paradise Leaf Bowl Set Pamela Gladding Tropic CICIce cream bowl碗碗餐盘、碗Description碗作为人们日常必需的饮食器皿,碗的起源目前不可考,不过可追溯到新石器时代泥质陶制的碗,其形状与当今无多大区别,即口大底小,碗口宽而碗底窄,下有碗 足,高度一般为口沿直径的二分之一,多为圆形,极少方形。不断变化的只是质料,工艺水平和装饰手段。一般用途是盛装食物。 Contact the seller米饭碗 Full namePhoneE-mailCaptcha (4 characters)I agree with privacy policies, regarding confidential data and user agreementMessage We recommend to see Mug Sets of a foodware Phials Potter's utensils Dinner sets Plates Tea sets, coffee Thermo mugs Pitchers Cups Butter dishes Plates for cake Utensils from silver, silver Plates and dishes for fruits Sweets dishes sectional plates Shipping method