奶杯 In stockReconfirm the price with sellerContact supplierShipping:CourierIn detailAdd to selectedCompareSellersha yue ci gong mao you gong siChina, Changsha(View map) +86( Display phones Products of other enterprises奶壶奶杯Ceramic milk tea pot壶CV09-JT004壶CV09-JT005壶CV09-JT005Description主要产品为日用陶瓷西餐具,宾馆瓷,奶杯,茶具等等 Contact the seller奶杯 Full namePhoneE-mailCaptcha (4 characters)I agree with privacy policies, regarding confidential data and user agreementMessage We recommend to see Mug Sets of a foodware Potter's utensils Dinner sets Plates Tea sets, coffee Milk jugs Pitchers Cups Shipping method