铲 In stockReconfirm the price with sellerContact supplierShipping:CourierIn detailAdd to selectedCompareSellerhang zhou ao kai chu kou you gong siChina, Hangzhou(View map) +86( Display phones Products of other enterprises小铲子园林工具 型号:HT832B铁锨Shovel铁锨铁锨Description产品特点: 产品采用铝合金压铸,表面喷塑防锈,双色塑柄 货号:GA0212D 品名: 大铲 规格: 305mm 价格RMB: 19.80 级别: A 外箱:20把 Contact the seller铲 Full namePhoneE-mailCaptcha (4 characters)I agree with privacy policies, regarding confidential data and user agreementMessageShipping method